
The adventure is simple, two sisters will travel 2,448 miles from Chicago to Los Angeles on what remains of Route 66 writing about their misadventures along the way. The Journey begins mid August, so stay tuned!

Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Grand Canyon or Bust

** Note:  This was written 8/21/12 and posted tonight due to lack of internet where we were camping.

Steinbeck said that you don’t take a trip, a trip takes you.  And I have yet to experience anything other than that statement.  No matter how meticulously you plan a vacation, not everything will go to plan.  One must roll with the punches rather than dwell on missed schedules. 

He also said that a completely unplanned trip isn’t always such a good idea either, because, to a curious mind, a wanderer, and a joy rider, it is easy to get lost in your trip and spend too much time enjoying one part of it, while having to rush and neglect the  rest… vague schedules are needed… and so is, unfortunately, interstate driving.

Had to bow down to the caffeine gods.
Before hitting the open road, I realized, after spending three days in Arizona, that by seeing ALL the sights I could, it would be nearly impossible to get through Route 66 in two weeks… bypasses were needed, certain towns neglected.  Though some things were rushed through, I did NOT use the interstate system unnecessarily… which means, there are certain pieces of the road that are gone… so you have to jump on I-44 or I-55, and there are some moments… say, when the sky looks black behind you, and you need to get to a semi reputable hotel/motel to seek shelter from a storm (this happened once eastbound, and I backtracked the next day.)

This time, Sam and I will need to actually jump on the interstate in order to make time for our main event… hiking in the Grand Canyon.  You see, the Grand Canyon is not on Route 66.  It’s about an hour-ish north of Route 66… which is added time to the trip, plus, extra time to explore the Canyon… in short, to gain time for one part of the trip, we need to shorten other parts… specifically parts that don’t have as much to offer. 

Today, we drove through Missouri.  We looped around Eureka a dozen times thanks to construction and a guidebook which failed to inform us that the Wolf Research Facility requires a week’s notice to visit.  And we were misguided near Lebanon, thanks to a missed “Historic Route 66” sign and Sam not catching a turn in the directions (not her fault, the book is a little confusing.) 

Our highlights of the day were mostly viewed from the car, except for the World’s Largest Rocking Chair, which we took pictures in front of.  Otherwise, we saw our fair share of vintage motels, old abandoned gas stations, and the beautiful Missouri landscape: rolling tree covered hills scattered with farm fields and divided by rivers, creeks, and waterways. 

There were times we caught the wind in our hands, and other times we sighed at the sight of picturesque valleys.  We crossed rusted old bridges and saw deer sprint across the pavement, we saw blue skies speckled with white puffy cumulus clouds, and in varying convenient stores, empty shelves where once full sized marshmallows lived.

Though it was a driving day instead of a sightseeing day, it was a good day.  Part of the history and glory of Route 66 is in the drive, not just the roadside attractions.  Today, we were travelers on the mother road… who needed to hop on the interstate just passed Lebanon, because we needed to pitch a tent in Joplin before the sun went down.  Tomorrow, we’ll be tourists… the next day, who knows. 

All I know is that Steinbeck is right… you can’t pretend to know what will happen on a trip, you just have to experience what the trip wants you to experience… and also, sometimes, you have to hop on the interstate.

Camping in Joplin, MO

Favorite Songs:

Joe’s Sunrise CD… pretty much all of the songs.  It was an awesome mix.
Justin… GREAT driving mix.  Truth be told, I listened to it eastbound as well.  I dig it.
Tim… perfect for some middle of Missouri driving.
Brian L.  We laughed… we danced, and then we sang along to Tiny Dancer… so thank you!
Auntie Judy:  We really enjoyed the mix… Sang along to Time of My Life, and cranked up Good Feelin’… One Week took me back to band camp haha!... and Radar Love is a PERFECT driving song. 

** Note:  Will have SMK do the blog tomorrow, as tonight she is hunkered down with her required reading, and I don’t want Mom to yell at me if I don’t help her get that done in time for school to start. 

** Second Note:  Will post pictures for this entry when I have a better internet connection!

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for adding the pictures. I could not imagine what the maze looked like outside the City Museum in St. Louis. That is really something else!

    Santa Fe is beautiful! I feel like you found a precious gem in the desert and unselfishly shared it with all of us.

    Last, but certainly NOT least, I just love seeing your smiling faces!

    Carry on, Gals! Your blog is fantastic!
