
The adventure is simple, two sisters will travel 2,448 miles from Chicago to Los Angeles on what remains of Route 66 writing about their misadventures along the way. The Journey begins mid August, so stay tuned!

Saturday, August 25, 2012


Since kindergarden I have loved wolves. They are still my favorite animals. Unfortunately I have never been able to see any with my own eyes. Every time I try to see some I can't for whatever reason. When I wanted to see them at the zoo the exhibit was closed for reconstruction. When I tried to see some earlier on this trip you needed reservations a week in advance to see them.

Waiting out storms.
Today Brianne surprised me by telling me where she planned to take me today. A wolf sanctuary for wolves and wolf hybrids that were previously being breed for pets (bad idea by the way) and having been rescued can not return to the wild. Its called Wild Spirits Wolf Sanctuary. It was two hours out of the way but Brianne took me there anyway and even drove through a storm to get there.

Once we got there we took the tour and we got to see many wolves and wolf-dog hybrids. They were beautiful. There were timber wolves and Arctic wolves and even a fox and some New Guinea singing dogs. It was so wonderful to finally see them with my own eyes and I even got within two feet of some of them. They have a volunteer program and Brianne pointed out that maybe I could help during the summers when I am in college.

When we left for the next town Brianne really wanted to stay in the Wigwam hotel. In fact she had been looking forward to it her entire trip. Because she took me to see the wolves we weren't able to call in time to get a reservation and the hotel filled up too fast. I love you so much Brianne. Thank you for taking me to see the wolves even though it meant you couldn't stay in the tepees.



  1. Sam, I'm so glad that you finally got to see the wolves! I Hope you enjoyed the moment but also took lots of pictures.

    It's too bad that Brianne missed out on the Wigwam Hotel. Maybe this means you two will have to go on another (shorter) road trip in a few years to revisit some of the western highlights. Don't let the travel fatigue keep you from enjoying the rest of the experience. Love, Dad

  2. Sammie,

    Thank you for sharing your sister's sacrifice for all of us to see. Any of your readers that know her well will not be surprised. She has a very caring and sharing heart, and she never ceases to amaze me with her selflessness. She is a blessing for your family and to all who know her.

    And I agree with your dad. I think this trip should be an appetizer for many more road trips to come, especially while you are young. The older one gets, the more responsibilities need attention, and time and energy for trips like this is in short supply. So enjoy this one and start dreaming of the next!

    Love you both!
